Sound & Soul Therapies for Vitality & Wholeness
If you are reading these words, you did not come for a mediocre or half lived life. There is a life force within you calling for your attention. There is a unique frequency within you, a life force calling you home to your highest, most vibrant self.
In these transforming times, it’s easy to feel disconnected, overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted or unsure of your path. Feeling depressed and or anxious is rampant.
It has been a wild ride. One that you are equipped for more than you may know. And there are tools and information that can help you shift inwardly.
Now is a time where Quantum Physics and Spiritual Wisdom are reminding us, from the inside out how incredibly miraculous we are, body, mind and soul. And that there is an energy, a current of light, some call pure loving presence, God/Source love, that is available to you in each moment.
Judy’s is an inspirer of the soul, whose work focuses on your light and reminds your body, mind and spirit of the frequencies of your timeless eternal nature and points you home to your Source connection and vitality.
What We Offer:
- Sacred Sound Sessions & Baths: Deep alignment, healing and relief through sound that clears energy stored as emotional, mental, and physical blockages, restoring flow and vitality. (Included Tune-ups for Teens, Addiction Recovery Support & Family Sessions
- The Wisdom of the Children: Messages from “The Incoming,” inspiration, tools, support, resources and guidance for parents, caregivers, and all who love children
- Freeing Your Goddance: Retreats and classes for women to heal and embrace your divine wisdom, power, and beauty, and move with the rhythm of your soul.
We support you in remembering your inherent wholeness, vitality, and connection to Source. It’s time to release the blocks, embrace your true self, and dance your Goddance with clarity, creativity, and love. And shine like you knew you would,
for the highest good of all life!
Ready to Embody Your Soul’s Frequency?
Explore our sessions, events, and resources designed to support you through this magnificent transformation. Together, we will tune your body and mind to your timeless nature’s high frequency of love and infinite possibility.
“Upon the morning dew, brilliant light dances, little crystals of magnificence appearing momentarily and fully. You, my friend, are this magnificence. In your momentary experience of YOU, let the world see, feel, taste and touch your flavors. Not so much in the doing, simply in your willingness to BE. As you surrender to this Being within, you become a brilliant bright frequency of refreshing authentic expression in our world. And the impulse of Spirit through you – in other words – what you will do with that magnificence – how you choose to dance your goddance ~ flows effortlessly from your Self as Love, in service to All That Is.” jg