Messages of the Incoming The R-Evolution of Love

June 2004 (Slightly updated  January 2024)

“Normality is a paved road. It’s easy to walk upon but no flowers grow there.” Vincent van Gogh 

This is part what came through as a “letter” from the Incoming as I was leaving for The Children’s Conference back in 2002 in Hawaii.

“It is exciting to feel you gathered, remember “whenever two or more of you are gathered…there is Love.”

You will be gathering often and with many. There are a few reminders we would like to share…

Everything we need is already available to you, to us. In truth there is nothing that we lack  for there is nothing that we are not.

We like to work with people that smile a lot, inside and out. Smile.

The love that you are is the love that we are so when you feel our love or love for us, offer it also to yourself and one another. As you see our pure innocence, feel your own and see it in those who can not yet feel it in themselves.

BE first; do only as a follow through (so to speak) of Being.

Touch one another, tenderly, love flows through each of you. All of your senses touch. Use them wisely.

Have no expectation of, or attachment to, an agenda, we promise you it will always change, grow and expand, exceeding any expectations.

Silence is awesome, always enter “in” for a few moments together, we will meet you “there”.

Have lots of pictures of children around. Flowers. Trees. Smiles. Stars. Magic.

Wonder, wander, relish, refresh, delight, open, allow, enjoy, and create.

Definitions…redefine, and expand your definitions and understanding of the words you use and how you use them. (…in the beginning was the word, and the word was made flesh…).

Thank everything for being. The trees, the roads, the animals, insects, everyone and everything. They are really not… until you see them. Thank God, Source, Creator, Creation for all of it.

Thank you. Let’s Play!”

Here we begin with messages from the Incoming that began in 2004: 

Who Are The Children?

The very nature of the question suggests separation-other. Like an anomaly, something strange and different. Be careful friends, of the pull to deny your true inner knowing of the connectedness in all life.

You have experienced “lifetimes” of receiving information and teachings that support belief in separateness. The pull to what is known through conditioning can be insidious and blinding. Now, in this moment you are, or can be, aware more fully of the connectedness of all life.

Will we show up different? Oh yes. Be prepared for that. For your “normal”, (defined as plain, regular, standard, usual, typical, common, customary) is extremely binding for high frequency beings like us. Many of you know exactly what we mean, for it has been for you, as well.

So we will address briefly one of the many paradoxes of life in time, as a timeless eternal being. We are both fully connected to you in the flow of life itself and we will show up unique and different.

Remember extraordinary is what we are. What you are. And to break the collective agreements that have been instilled into most humans that customary and regular and common are what one should be, (here we insert the feeling you might see as us rolling our eyes;), we will come in many ways that will not fit in your boxes. This will free you, ultimately. To break out of your own box. 

Many of you are having more than just glimpses of present moment living, of a sense of multi-dimensions and your eternal nature. Others of you have a sense of the connectedness, the impulse of love itself coming more alive in you. Some know it and yet it is not yet an experience for you. Some of you simply desire to feel more connected, less separate or alone. As The love R-Evolution is occurring, you can realize that time is no longer what you thought. Linear experiences are for order and you will be experiencing your timeless spiral in time more fully. Maybe confusing at first. And if you play there more, you can support the children and the incoming so they do not have to freeze in time, as you did.

Today we ask: as you read, please hold in your heart and bring your inner wisdom in often to the mind, remembering, the awakening and lifting, so to speak, of the veil of separation.  This is how your light,  your purity, your willingness helps us. 

Delve in and RE-mind (remind is defined here as recognizing what is so) yourself that we, the children and those to become earthly children are mirrors of you, you are us and we are stepping into the moment together to the pure love and universal light that we are, to RE-member or realize together our wholeness, that which has appeared fragmented and separate. To RE-ming yourself of your pure and utter connection with God/Source. As you surrender into this ever-present flow of Source love, you become that which supports the end of times as you have known it. Your timeless nature unlocks the essence of you that has been frozen and your presence offers that to others and so on and sol on. This then influences the continued evaporation, explosion and implosions of the polarized realities that has been built on ideas of separation, fear, otherness and control. These changes will be occurring in ways yet seen. Hold onto your hats as humans say! Or perhaps just let them fly!

For some of you on the planet, what you know, who you truly are, and your connection to All That Is, seems to sit just beyond the veil of your awareness. Perhaps you have glimpses and maybe sometimes days or weeks of being in the flow. Perhaps, with all the challenges and suffering you experience of see in your world, you are not feeling this connection. Love yourself there. This is a time of great transformation and your presence here, even on your worst day is part of the Love R-Evolution.

Just because you are not aware of something does not mean it is not so. For example, if you come over to my home and my daughter is upstairs. You are not aware that she is there. This does not affect her being upstairs. So, if you are not aware of unity consciousness and Source Love today, that lack of awareness does not do anything to unity itself, to this Loving Presence being always present.

The veil we speak of is that which keeps you in the experience of separateness, feeling disconnected from yourselves, each other, and mostly your Source. It is a veil that felt iron like for many humans on the earth plane and has become thinner and more permeable, so to speak, in your ever expanding collective realization. We can feel it very light in more and more of you. This “work” you have done to melt the shields the pain, the veil, is why we can come in masse, for the frequency of your world has shifted because of you. And we thank you.

Some humans continue to keep themselves so busy in this apparent reality and it is all that they know. Most of you have been years living your knowing, unraveling who you are not to be able to embody more fully, your light. Thank you. Most humans realize, especially with recent world events, a longing or a pull toward something more meaningful or deep, and have a dissatisfaction with life and an impulse to thrive, contribute, create, relax and love more fully.

Many humans, are asking the bigger questions, are opening to the experiences that allow you to touch greater realities, your multi-dimensional nature and experience life beyond your earthly sense awareness. Our presence and your willing hearts will allow for abilities beyond the 5 senses to expand and come more fully online. 

And we know and thank you for moving through the release of the fear, the guilt, the trauma of the past/paralell lives and experiences held in your cellular memory held in your bodies and energetic lineages. Your great willingness and skill of transmuting these energies through your bodies is another catalyst that allows for the great high frequency being collective “Incoming” on your planet. We will speak more to this as we gather. 

We, the Incoming and the children in your lives, will assist you into the moment. Begin here. Listen. Breathe. Act from here.  As we said Do from your Being.

Who Are the Incoming? We are expressions of The Infinite, yes, and we are manifesting now as the new or newer humans. We have and will come to all places, to all kinds of parents, families and life situations. We are and will be in the more obvious places and families and in places where you will be surprised to find us and even in some places that you may be afraid to look. Do not have in your mind an idea of who we will be born to or where, or how. Our diversity and far reaching manifestations are unrecognizable in many cases. Were you not unrecognizable to your parents dear?

Imagine that you look into each child as the beautiful that they are, ideally from the eyes of the bright soul that you are. Those of you who are reading these messages, can assist us with this. This is not about some children who are better than others or better than you. In fact the more of you who are embodying the frequency of light and pure love of your essence, the easier it is for the Incoming and the children here. This is what we are speaking to about being connected and not separate… that your energy frequency affects the whole. Your light, lights our way.